Innovative solutions for cryogenic & vacuum equipment needs.
Innovative solutions for cryogenic & vacuum needs.
Detector Dewars
Metal dewars for cooling scientific-grade detectors have been a cornerstone of our business since its inception.
Liquid Helium Dewars
Open-mouth, or bucket-style, liquid helium dewars provide a suitable operating environment for superconducting magnets and other large experiments. Aluminum, stainless, and fiberglass dewars are available up to 40 inches diameter.
Storage/ Fill Dewars
Kadel Engineering manufactures liquid helium and liquid nitrogen laboratory use storage dewars in capacities from 5 to 240 liters
Transfer Lines
Kadel Engineering manufactures vacuum insulated and non-insulated cryogenic transfer lines. Our transfer lines are custom designed to meet your particular needs.
Vacuum Chambers & Housing
Kadel Engineering offers complete design and fabrication of vacuum products including chambers, housings, and valves.